Do not vote for Andrea Suarez. Andrea Suarez is terrible. You’ve probably seen her signs on the streets or received her flyers in the mail, which practically scream “I’M A DEMOCRAT” (something she literally did at my front door this summer).
One of the reasons Suarez doth protest too much, methinks, is she was scheduled to be the keynote speaker at a King County Republican fundraiser in May (she later backed out, probably realizing that raising money for the Republican party was not a good look for a “Democrat”). Another reason she screams “I”M A DEMOCRAT” is she has appeared on several right wing radio shows and podcasts, and not as a dissenting voice. She has also hired a far right activist to shoot her campaign videos.
But that’s not the worst thing about her. She founded a group called We Heart Seattle, whose mission is to clean “garbage” out of city parks and open spaces. The problem is, it’s not all garbage. Look, I don’t like people camping in parks and I hate litter, but throwing stuff away without knowing if it belongs to someone is just plain wrong. Most offensively, she doesn’t have a permit to do this work, and when asked by a reporter why she didn’t bother with permitting she replied, “Did Jesus need a permit?”
Andrea Suarez is terrible, and I do not want her anywhere near City Hall.
I supported Shaun Scott when he ran for the District 4 Seattle City Council seat in 2019, narrowly losing to Alex Pedersen, and I’m happily supporting him again. Don’t believe the propaganda coming from the Suarez camp—Scott is not some super scary communist who will let crime run rampant on the streets of Seattle. He’s a smart guy, engaged with policy, who actually thinks and listens before he acts. And he probably won’t trash your stuff.