Twenty-one candidates ran for Mayor of Seattle in the August Primary Election, and neither of the two who made it through to the General were my first choice (or my second choice, or my third), so it’s hard for me to get super excited about either Cary Moon or Jenny Durkan becoming my new mayor. One thing that is kind of exciting is Seattle is guaranteed to have its first woman mayor since Bertha Knight Landes left office in 1928, so we got that going for us. And while neither Moon nor Durkan were my choice for mayor back in August, one does stand above the other in the General Election race.
I first became aware of Cary Moon in 2004 when she helped found the People’s Waterfront Coalition, an organization which opposed the construction of a deep-bore waterfront tunnel (welcome back, Bertha!) and instead wanted to replace the viaduct with housing and public open space. It was a visionary idea, beaten down by pro-business, car-centric, phony progressive Democratic politicians—the same politicians who now support Jenny Durkan.
If you like the current direction Seattle is taking—unchecked development, unmanaged police, unending traffic, then you should vote for Jenny Durkan, who will continue Ed Murray’s path as a visionless lackey to corporate interests. But if you want a Seattle where a coalition of everyday people can a have a voice in city government, then vote for the woman who had a progressive vision a decade ago and will hopefully continue to in the future.